The Wood Buffalo Food Bank is very fortunate to have local companies, service groups, schools, churches, individuals, etc. who are willing to give of their time an resources to our organization. Without the support from our incredible community, we would not be able to #feedymm.
While we personally host three major fundraisers per year (Syncrude Winter Food Drive – Nov/Dec, Servus Spring Food Drive – April, and the Empty Bowls Festival – August), it is those third-party fundraisers during the other months that really help us to achieve our goals and continue to offers our services. These community events allow us to keep our shelves stocked and keep food going out the door to those in need, and also allow us to focus on providing our clients with the best possible services.
Community fund & food -raisers provide a solid foundation for us to provide services to our clients!
We are here to assist you with setting up your fundraiser/event ideas as best we can, and have created a package to make it easy! If you have any questions please contact our team.