How to Receive Food Assistance
It’s as easy as 1, 2,3…
We are here to help! Tough times happen to all of us, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Job losses, medical expenses, relocation, divorce (and more) are all factors that can lead someone to need a little assistance now and then. Be assured the process is confidential and easy, with you as the priority.
Please follow the simple process shown below.
Download, review, and complete our registration and client understanding forms. Next, email or call us to discuss your application and make your first appointment.
If you have any questions call during business hours (780-743-1125 ext. 221 for Olivia or 222 for Ana) or use our contact page. If your call is not answered, please be sure to leave a voicemail and a Client Services staff will call you back as soon as they can. Voicemails are returned in order.
STEP 1 – Complete Client Intake Application
Client intake Application
STEP 2 – Complete Client Understanding
Client Understanding / Disclaimer
STEP 3 – Schedule an Appointment
Please call us at 780-743-1125 ext 221 or email our client services team: Olivia or Ana
Please bring in the following documents to your appointment:
- Picture ID for adults.
- Alberta Health Care for children.
- Current proof of income. This includes GST and Child Tax. If more than one income, all must be shown.
- Proof of any other form of income.
- Current & proper rent receipt (or housing payment)
- Gas, electric, phone, water, cable bills (must be in the name of the household and current)
- Any other legitimate expenses.
- Bank Statement

You can receive help once every 30 days, up to 6 times a year. Any further assistance will be assessed on a case by case basis.
Please Note: If you are missing something you need or have you already accessed the food bank 6 times in this calendar year then seek a referral from another agency you are working with to confirm need.